Parents take care of their children to the maximum extent. They take care of their meals, their attire, their study time, their nap time, they look after their peer group too whether those kids are abusive or not etc. But sometimes it becomes very difficult to talk to the children about some topics such as sexual abuse. Here parents get into a dilemma because it is necessary to talk to them about this issue as the danger related to this issue is increasing in society but they don’t get any way to talk to their children about it. It is not like parents these days are not able to guide their child take care of him or her. They provide online learning to their kids and LMS login. Through LMS Portals their online learning becomes easy. Apart from all these facilities it is found that sometimes the children are sitting in the corner of the class with pale faces and nobody bothers to find out the reason. So, the learning management system takes the responsibility to make learning efficient. Learning management system consists of such a teaching pattern which makes teaching and learning easy for students. It is found that many parents delay talking to their children about this sensitive topic. It is a bitter truth that parents are unable to talk to their kids studying in elementary schools and this puts them in harm’s way. It is very sad fact that about one in 4 girls and one in 13 boys experience child sexual abuse. This fact is very heart breaking. So, it becomes necessary for the parents to talk about it to their children whereas they hesitate to talk to them regarding it. Hence, let’s understand how to teach child about good and bad touch:
- This teaching can start from the age of 2 by making the kid understand that he/she is the boss of his/her body. Start making the kid understand that keeping his/her body safe and healthy is very necessary by wearing helmets while sitting with anyone on bike or buckle up the seatbelt in the car and keep looking both ways while crossing it, eating healthy foods. When kid seems to be sensible regarding these teachings then teach him/her to be little more cautious about their body while playing with peers or anyone if anyone pushes or hurts him/her then he of she can be defensive regarding his/her body and speak in firm but polite manner, ” don’t do it, this is my body and nobody can harm it”.
- Many a times this happens that kids feel shy while meeting few people then parents think that their child is introvert and forces him/her to greet, meet, hug or sit in his or her lap out of courtesy where as there might be possible that kids may be going through something about which parents are unaware of and only child knows about that hidden character of that particular guest. Hence, when parents find out their child is running away from a particular guest who comes regularly then they need to find out the truth by asking the kid and should never force children to greet such guests.
- To make your kids aware of safe touch and bad touch you need to tell the correct names of body parts to the children. First of all, being aware of your body should not be a taboo at home. Usually if a kid sees his mother or father without clothes accidentally then they scold kids badly, instead they should tell him/her politely that he or she should come into the room after knocking and this is how the human body is there is nothing taboo and one should protect it at priority. Win the trust of kids so that they can inform you first if anyone is exploiting him or her. Tell the kids that apart from parents they shouldn’t go in the lap of everyone.
- Parents should differentiate the bad touches from good touches and make the children understand how a good hug, kisses on cheeks, pats on the back are like and how the it is bad when one tries to touch on sexual organs or touches in wrong manner and they should immediately stop them and use harsh tone to forbid them to touch them and tell them that they will tell their parents about it. Also they should stay away from such people who touch them in bad manners and tell them not to tell anyone about this to anyone as it is their secret or secret game.